
Invisible exhibition

Invisible exhibition

Please, choose a language that you are comfortable to speak and understand, as proper communication is absolutely necessary in the dark!

Nincs aktuális előadás

Ön egy múltbeli eseményre keresett rá. Kérjük, válogasson aktuális kínálatunkból a keresőjében!

Last event date: Monday, December 21 2020

Foreign languages on which we can offer you guidance: English, German, Italian, Spanish, French, Portugese, Russian and Romanian.

For the foreign language guidance pre-registration is required! Please contact us via e-mail ( or phone (+36 20 771 42 36) at least one day before your arrival. We kindly ask our guests who require a guidance in a language other
than English to contact us at least two days before the planned visit to the exhibition, because only the English- speaking tour guides are here every day. Moreover, due to the popularity of the exhibition, it might happen that tours with English guidance are
not available without pre- registration!

Our offer

After earning tremendous critical and popular acclaim at last year's Edinburgh Fringe Festival, IMA is returning to Müpa Budapest, again playing in a tent set up next to the building.

In Magic Around Christmas, directed by Tünde Vincze, nothing is impossible! There's nothing that can't come true! As the greatest German poet Johann Wolfgang von Goethe wrote two hundred years ago: „Whatever you can do or dream, do it! In daring lies genius, power and magic.”

The Bridging Europe will connect the entire continent this year: a Hungarian rhapsody follows a Spanish dance; an homage to Bach precedes Czech melodies.


Margit Auer: Mágikus állatok iskolája Milyen érzés lenne, ha lenne egy saját, csakis hozzád kötődő állatod? Aki téged megért, beszélgetni…

1905. Elárverezik a párizsi Operaház teljes hajdani berendezéseit. Többek között egy csillárt, amely a kikiáltó szerint egy máig sem…

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