
Recirquel: My Land

Recirquel: My Land

The production My Land from the internationally renowned contemporary circus company Recirquel premièred in August 2018 at one of the world's most prestigious arts festivals, the Edinburgh Festival Fringe, where critics rated it the best of several thousand productions.

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Last event date: Friday, November 15 2019 9:00PM

This show directed by Bence Vági focuses on the roots of humanity and the eternal connection between a person and their homeland, depicting it in a space filled with illusions. While the production is the consummation of cirque danse, a new form of performance art, it is not only in terms of genre that it can be considered unique: this is Recirquel's first piece to feature only guest artists from outside Hungary. Vági invited seven Ukrainian acrobats, each of them outstanding practitioners of their particular circus skills even by international standards, and explored their personal life stories - of tradition, freedom and love - to create the production.

The première was an event of the CAFe Budapest Contemporary Arts Festival.

Performed by: Rodion Drahun, Roman Khafizov, Sergii Materinskyi, Yevheniia Obolonina, Andrii Pysiura, Mykola Pysiura, Andrii Spatar

Music: Edina Mókus Szirtes, Gábor Terjék

Folk music consultant: Miklós Both

Production design: Bence Vági

Costumes: Emese Kasza

Design engineer: Zsolt Tárnok

Lighting: Attila Lenzsér, József Pető

Sound: Gábor Terjék

Circus consultant: Krisztián Kristóf

Artistic consultant: Renátó Illés, Gábor Zsíros

Assistant to the choreographer: Tímea Kinga Maday

Assistant to the director: Aliz Schlecht

Director, choreographer: Bence Vági



Our offer

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