
From The Life of the Marionettes

From The Life of the Marionettes

At first, there is nothing unusual about Katarina and Peter's marriage. Beneath the surface, however, they are driven by hellish desires. In the usual intimate and direct form of Dollar Papa's Children, the performance examines relationships torn apart by everyday life.  more

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Last event date: Tuesday, March 11 2025 7:30PM

"Why a short circuit occurs in a person with a well-adjusted and orderly life. In the first part of Scenes from a Marriage, two angry and unfortunate people appear, whom I have named Peter and Katarina. The disaster of their marriage actually deserved more space. They always stubbornly appeared in my plans."

(Ingmar Bergman)


At first, there is nothing unusual about Katarina and Peter's marriage. Beneath the surface, however, they are driven by hellish desires. In the usual intimate and direct form of Dollar Papa's Children, the performance examines relationships torn apart by everyday life. The goal is to understand and get to like these characters during rehearsals, so that the audience can see them as lovable, at least for a short moment. Or is understanding just an illusion we want to believe in?




"The performance was created with the author's permission on behalf of the Ingmar Bergman Foundation ( through Josef Weinberger Limited (London) and Hofra Kft."



Estimated runtime of the show is 1 hour 40 minutes, without intermission.

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