
Art Market Budapest / LISZT ÜNNEP 2024

Art Market Budapest / LISZT ÜNNEP 2024

International contemporary art fair

Nincs aktuális előadás

Ön egy múltbeli eseményre keresett rá. Kérjük, válogasson aktuális kínálatunkból a keresőjében!

Last event date: Sunday, October 20 2024 11:00AM

Highlighted events

17–19 October Inside Art – International Art Conference

17–20 October Art Photo Budapest – International Photography Exhibition and Fair

17–20 October sCULTURE – Open-air sculpture exhibition

Art Market Budapest, Central and Eastern Europe’s leading international art fair and one of the largest in Europe, brings a special experience to art lovers and professionals for the 14th occasion in October 2024. Hungary’s bigest, annual exhibition of contemporary fine arts and photography presents over a hundred exhibitors and thousands of artworks from nearly thirty countries around the world in the impressive exhibition halls and park of the Millenáris in Budapest.

There will be countless side events, of which Art Photo Budapest, the only international photography fair of the region, Inside Art, an international conference on art, and sCULTURE, a spectacular open-air exhibition of sculpture, will also be held at the Millenáris.

This program of the Liszt Fest is jointly presented by Müpa Budapest and Art Today Kft.

Our offer

Háy János keserű komédiája garantáltan nevettet és elgondolkodtat!

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