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Krum just came home from abroad. He didn't bring anything, he didn't meet anyone, he didn't find a job, he didn't become happy. Because wherever life happens, it's not where he is... The masterpiece of Hanoch Levin, the most prominent author of Israeli drama, is full of love of life and humor, while it speaks painfully honestly about the most important things: the hopelessness of the young generation, love, loneliness, the unlivable life and unfulfilled desires. Hanoch Levin lived 55 years, but in his short life he created very intensively: he wrote 56 plays, in addition to songs, prose works, poems and important stage productions. His works have been a part of the Vígszínház's life for a long time, since in 2013 the theater presented Suitcase Packers on the main stage, and since 2006, one of his most famous and popular works, the tragic comedy The Labor of Life, has been performed on the Studio Stage with unbroken success.

Krum was presented for the first time in 1975, but the work has not lost any of its freshness and topicality in the decades that have passed since then, so in recent years it has been rediscovered by major European theaters and is being performed successfully in several countries. The Vígszínház performance is the premiere of the play in Hungary.

Director: Péter Valló

Director: Péter Valló

Translated by: Krisztina Kovács

The performance was created with the permission of "The Hanoch Levin Institute of Israeli Drama".

First rehearsal: 21 August 2023
Premiere: 7 p.m., 7 October 2023 Pesti Theatre

The show is not recommended for an audience under 14 years of age!


Vidám és látványos musical az igaz barátságról, az összetartozás erejéről, ami még a legváratlanabb helyzetekben is segítő útitársunk lehet.

Performed over 500 times in Hungary and abroad the show is an hommage to the great Hungarian master of the…

Martin Rauhaus komédiája hatalmas filmsiker volt hazájában, színpadi változata pedig Németország után először nálunk mutatkozik be.

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