
 Bereményi the Poet A evening of Tamás Cseh with Géza Bereményi and Mihály Víg

Bereményi the Poet A evening of Tamás Cseh with Géza Bereményi and Mihály Víg

In recent years, the cult of Tamás Cseh has to a certain extent pushed the role of his co-creator Géza Bereményi into the shade. This extraordinary evening promises an unrivalled experience as, through the performance of this exceptional writer, it seeks to demonstrate that Bereményi’s brilliant lyrics can stand their ground as works of poetry and independent literature.  more

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Last event date: Monday, January 20 2025 7:00PM

With Mihály Víg’s completely original reworkings of the music of Tamás Cseh – significantly different from other interpretations – and the able assistance of the legendary Balaton band, Bereményi’s role as poet for this literary and musical evening is sure to dazzle the audience and provide them with a truly lasting experience.

Balaton band:
guitar János Bujdosó
bass guitar Gábor Horváth
percussion instruments Zsombor Dudás
violin Andrea György

Presented by: Müpa Budapest

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